Aadhar New Safety Feature Of Face Recognition After Launching 16 Digit Virtual ID
To further protect the aadhaar details, the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has announced to launch another safety feature. UIDAI has said that now the aadhar card details of the people will be matched by their face.
For this, the Authority has launched a separate software which will be effective from 1st July. UIDAI CEO Ajay Bhushan Pandey gave information through tweet. For this, it will be possible to match the face with OTP, eyed puppies or fingerprint.
Aadhar Authenticity With Face
By seeing the difficulties in the case of finger prints and iris for the authenticity of the aadhar, the face has also been included as the third option. It will be implemented from 1st July, 2018 onwards. Indian Identity Authority (UIDAI) has made its announcement on Monday.
Aadhar Additional Security
The Authority has said that this facility of authenticity will be provided only on the basis of need. Apart from this, it will be available only with the available options i.e. the finger print or any one of the iris or OTP with the face must be mandatory.
UIDAI Has Taken Big Step To Promiscuity The Aadhar
This new facility will help those people whose fingerprints have become light or eroded due to increasing age or hard work. Apart from the fingerprints, iris of the elderly is also being problematic in authenticity. Now for all such people it will be easy to prepare the aadhar.
Aadhar New Safety Feature
It is known that in the past week, UIDAI has allowed the use of 16-digit virtual ID instead of preventing misuse of the premises. Now this number can be used instead of aadhar number while taking the SIM card, opening an account or availing the benefits of any government scheme. This facility will start from 1st March and will be made mandatory from 1st June.
UID Added Security ValidationÂ
Before using face as an option of authenticity, preparations for change in related software have begun. For this, some changes in biometric machines will also be done. It is being negotiated with service providers.
No longer will fear of aadhar data theft, new plan of UIDAI to secure more safety
To strengthen the identity and safety of the Aadhaar holders, the UIDAI is going to bring virtual IDs to the aadhaar card holders. UIDAI will give a virtual ID to the Aadhaar card holders. According to the UIDAI, the Aadhaar card holders will not need to provide their unique identification number for any verification process. They will only have to use their virtual numbers while verification is required.
The positive impact of this initiative of UIDAI will be that it will stop the agencies who used to collect the aadhaar number. All the agencies have to proceed with this newly launched system till 1st June, 2018.
Although the Central Government and Aadhar card issuing government agency UIDAI claimed that the data of the aadhar is completely secure and cannot leak it or it can not be stolen at any cost.
Another new decision by UIDAI on the aadhaar card, this will give you big advantage
UIDAI took a big decision regarding Aadhar card. This will benefit you even more now. According to the information, the UIDAI is now going to make the data of the aadhar card even more secure. For this, they are now proving a 16-digit virtual ID. Ravi, the aadhar center director of Dehradun, said that after getting this ID, you will get rid of the problem aadhar data leakage. This virtual ID will have 16 random digits. With this ID the companies or banks will receive only the name, address and photo information of the aadhar holder.
Aadhar Full Security With Virtual ID Generation Process
For other information, the company has to question with the customer by their own. The special thing is that the user himself can generate this ID. In such a situation, when the new ID is created, the old ID itself will be closed. This will be beneficial to ensure that the privacy of the aadhar is in the hands of the user. It is reported that UIDAI was working on it for months. But now it may be open to the user by March.